Montreal, Quebec
506 Royal Bank Building,
Vancouver, British Columbia
Copy for Mr. Shears
1618 St. Luke St.,
Montreal, P.Q. [Quebec],
September 23, 1947.
Mr. W.E. Anderson,
Office of the Custodian,
506 Royal Bank Building,
Vancouver, B.C.
Dear Sir:
Re: Your file No. 9374
This letter written on behalf of my father Teizo Hidaka, is further to my letter of July 24, 1947, which your office failed to acknowledge, contrary to the evidence presented by your director, Mr. F G Shears, before the Public Accounts Committee of the House of Commons where it is in the record that letters such as my last letter were acknowledged.
You have failed to supply me with a list of items which were sold by auction for which credit of 18 cents is recorded. I am anxious to have a full account of these items so again request that this list be supplied.
In regard to the property held jointly by my father and myself, I have recently been informed that the test case in the Exchequer Court has been dismissed by Mr. Justice Thorson, and consequently, I no longer question the legality of your activities in this respect. However, I still maintain that your actions as public policy were completely unjustified. In view of this change in material circumstance, my father is now willing to accept payment from you, but with the understanding that such acceptance does not prejudice the right to present claims for economic losses to the royal commission under the terms of reference of Order in Council P.C. 1810 of July 18, 1947, as asended by Order in Council P.C. 3737 of September 17, 1947.
I am enclosing the Pacific Co-operative Union share certificates No. 1192 (no. 2665) and No. No. 1506 (no. 4338-390). Certificates issued prior to 1940 were sent to you from Kaslo.
You are requested to forward payment for my father's account to: Teizo Hidaka, Huttonsville, Ontario.
Yours very truly,
"Kunio Hidaka"