Oakville, Manitoba
506 Royal Bank Building.
Vancouver, British Columbia
Copy for Mr. Shears (re File 1556).
Nov. 3, 1947.
File No. 1556.
Mr. R. G. Bell,
Office of the Custodian,
506 Royal Bank Bldg.
Dear Sir:
Thank you for the letter which I received dated October 23rd.
I would like to ask you about my property on Grappler Creek, Bamfield, which you have sold. I understand that you have divided by three persons. I don't care about the land but it is not fair to divide my house with them. My house on Lot 12, which is newly built that time costs me $1400.00 and the float cost $450.00. My land, Lot 12 and 13, cost $700.00. As I wrote above I can't sell only for $348.03. Other persons are old houses which doesn't worth much. As I wrote many times about the furniture and the things left in the house which costs me a lot too. After death of Iwakichi Maede I paid his taxes from 1929 to 1939.
And another property (Cat. [catalogue] 500) which was sold only for $50.00 which I paid $350.00 when I first bought.
And about the personal property which the Custodian sold only for $98.00, which cost me $300.00. And about the things which were missed by the Custodian Agent when he first visited the property, which I have send you the list before worth $700.00, such as 15 Japanese Kimonos in trunk worth $300.00. All of this the Custodian should be responsible. What would happen to the things which Navy removed, they missed a lot too. And last of all I would like to ask about my son's (Masao Hiraoka) Fishing Vessel, "Tzartoos" which was sold for $865.00. It should be worth $2000.00. And I would like to ask about his engine (24 H.P. [horse power] Vivian) which is unknown. All this things happened because of the evacuation.
Thinking of my 45 years of hardship to build all this, I can't sell only for a little money. I am very sorry to trouble you so much but I should like to treated fairly.
Yours truly,
"Heijiro Hiraoka"
Box 19,
Oakville, Manitoba