Image Description
Scanned black-and-white microfilm of a typewritten copy of a letter addressed to the government from J Tanaka regarding dispossession of their property.
Sender's Address
North Kamloops, British Columbia
Recipient Address
Office of the Custodian,
506 Royal Bank Building,
Vancouver, British Columbia
506 Royal Bank Building,
Vancouver, British Columbia
North Kamloops, B.C.
Sept. 1, 1947
Office of the Custodian,
506 Royal Bank Bldg.,
Vancouver, B.C.
Dear Sir:
Have received a cheque amount $223.02 dated May 6, 1947, regret to inform you that I will accept as only part of payment for displaced my property by the Custodian.
Yours truly,
J. Tanaka
Signed J. Tanaka
File 11014
Copy for Mr. Shears