Montreal, Quebec
Japanese Evacuation Section,
Vancouver, British Columbia
Copy for Mr. Shears. (File 1620)
Complaint [handwritten]
1223 Berger St.,
Montreal, P.Q. [Québec]
Jan. 30, 1947.
Office of the Custodian,
Japanese Evacuation Section
Vancouver, B.C.
Dear Sir:
Thank you for your letter of December 30th which you have addressed to Midway, B.C. Beginning of last August, we moved here.
You have written that I have the total $348.35 left from the property.
Since evacuation, we have been on our own support and for three years, I have a stomach trouble I can't work. To get myself well, I have spent most of the money we had. Not only for this but many other things which we did it ourselves. This total of money ($348.35) doesn't worth even half of what we had and lost but since we need money very badly, I will expect you to send me the money soon.
Thank you.
Yours truly,
Chonosuke Matsubara
Reg. No. 11991
File No. 1620