Revelstoke, British Columbia
Office of the Custodian,
506 Royal Bank Building,
Vancouver, British Columbia
P. O. [post office] Box 666,
Revelstoke, B. C.
July 19th, 1944.
Mr. George Peters,
Administration Dept.,
Office of the Custodian,
506 Royal Bank Bldg.,
Vancouver, B. C.
Dear Sir:
Received your letters dated March 21st and May 25th, 1944, also January 14, 1944.
I do not understand why the Custodian sold my property at such dumping price. As you know those buildings were being reconstructed for better revenue until I was evacuated at the end of October 1942, and the revenue was very near $1000 (One thousand dollars) a month. The reconstructing expense was more than $20,000 (twenty thousand dollars) unsettled. Can you tell me what kind of protection I can get from you to settle this matter for my protection.
Yours truly,
"R. Tagashira"
File No. 5129/2
Reg. No. 07988
cc for Mr. Shears