Montreal 6, Quebec
Office of the Custodian,
Administration Department,
506 Royal Bank Building,
Hasting and Granville,
Vancouver, British Columbia
17 Melbourne Avenue,
Montreal 6, Quebec,
October 2, 1946.
Mr. George Peters,
Department of the Secretary of State,
Office of the Custodian,
Administration Department,
506 Royal Bank Bldg.,
Hastings and Granville,
Vancouver, B.C.
Dear Sir:
This is to acknowledge your cheque amounting to Forty-One Dollars and Fourteen Cents ($41.14) as requested by you. You also mention in this letter that 3 boxes of chinaware and 1 Washing Machine left at Mrs. Y Kariya's home are lost.
I would like to say that for the past four and one half years I have been on a self-supporting basis and am quite low financially. If there is any way in which I can make a claim for these lost goods, I would like to know in which manner I should go about in getting compensation for the lost goods, since there were left in your care.
Yours very truly,
"K. Hashimoto"
File No 9575
Reg. No. 03393
"Oct. 8/16 - It was decided not to reply to this letter at present."
"Geo. P" [George Peters]