​Letter to FG Shears from Mr Green

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Scanned black-and-white microfilm of a typewritten internal memorandum to government representative FG Shears from government representative Mr Green to regarding dispossession of Take and Sumi Tomonaga's property. Includes handwritten annotations throughout the letter, and handwritten signature from Mr. Green.
Recipient Address

Mr. Shears [Handwritten]


File Nos.:13341

Dec. 14th, 1944.

To: Mr. Shears

From: Mr. Green

copy of letter attached as instructed [handwritten] [signed]

Re: Mrs. Take TOMONAGA
Miss Sumiye TOMONAGA

You may be interested to note letter from Mrs. Take Tomonaga written by her daughter attached hereto and stating that she has written to Ottawa to confirm the policy of liquidation.

You may recall this case as the wife and daughter refused to move from the protected area and claimed to have had a large sum of money stolen while detained in the Immigration Buildings. The attached memorandum to file summarizes transactions that have taken place so far and if you will kindly return the files to me, I will send a brief answer to Mrs. Tomonaga.



F.G. Shears instructs 15/12/44:Make extra copy of reply and return F.G.S [handwritten]