​Letter to FG Shears from Jiro, Tamatsu, and Masaru Kosaka

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Scanned black-and-white microfilm of a typewritten copy of a protest letter addressed to the government representative FG Shears from Jiro, Tamatsu, and Masaru Kosaka regarding dispossession of their property.
Sender's Address
Taylor Lake Siding,
Town P.O. British Columbia
Recipient Address
​Department of Secretary of State,
Office of Custodian,
Vancouver, British Columbia

File Nos. 6981

Taylor Lake Siding,
Town P. O.[Post Office], B. C.

June 5, 1944.

Mr. F G Shears Director
Dept. of Secretary of State,
Office of Custodian,
Vancouver, B. C.

Dear Sir:

I was not previously advised of the sale of my brother's and my property so there is one thing I wish to be made clear.

I consider the price of $3088.00 quite fair if it is for the property only, although my brother and I have no intention of selling the property.

If this amount includes the greenhouses and the buildings, I think this price is absolutely ridiculous. I can furnish you with almost exact amount my brother and I spent in building those greenhouses so will you please let me know if the price of $3088.00 is for property only or if it includes greenhouses and other buildings.

Yours truly,

Jiro Kosaka Reg. No. 02868
Tamatsu 13265
Masaru 03987