
Image Description
Scanned black-and-white microfilm of a typewritten copy of a letter addressed to the government from Tsuneki Sassa regarding dispossession of their property. Includes handwritten annotation.
Sender's Address
Welling, Alberta
Recipient Address
Department of the Secretary of State,
Office of the Custodian,
Japanese Evacuation Section,
Vancouver, British Columbia
Office of the Custodian,
Japanese Evacuation Section,
Vancouver, British Columbia
For Mr. Shears
Complaint [handwritten]
Welling Alberta.
September 29, 1947.
Dept. of the Sec. of State,
Office of the Custodian,
Japanese Evacuation Section,
Vancouver, B.C.
Dear Sir:
I received the cheque for the sum of $827.92, for the sale of my land, house, etc. I find this cheque does not reach anywhere near the sum I value my properties, and am therefore returning it.
Yours truly,
"Tsuneki SASSA"
File No. 3835,
Registration No. 12614.