​Letter to The Custodian from Henry Kanao Naruse

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Scanned black-and-white microfilm of a typewritten copy of a letter addressed to the government from Henry Kanao Naruse regarding dispossession of their property.
Sender's Address
Kaslo, British Columbia
Recipient Address
​Royal Bank Building,
Vancouver, British Columbia

Kaslo, B. C.
June 21, 1944.

File No. 11009

The Custodian,
Royal Bank Bldg.,
Vancouver, B. C.

Dear Sir:

Attention: Mr. Shears.

Needless to say, your letter of April 13th was a great surprise to me. That the house and land could have been handed over to the Director, the Veterans' Land Act, at such a ridiculous price, is beyond my comprehension.

I disagree emphatically with your "qualified" appraiser who was guilty of such a moronic valuation. For your information the house was completed in January, 1942. Nearly $500.00 was spent on plumbing alone. Moreover, I did not receive the land as a free gift.

I protest most strongly against this unfair, inadequate valuation and transaction into which the Custodian entered with the Director, the Veterans' Land Act.

Yours truly,

"H. K. Naruse"