​Letter to Take Tomonaga from HF Green

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Scanned black-and-white microfilm of a typed reply letter to Take Tomonaga from government representative HF Green regarding dispossession of their property.
Recipient Address
​Rosebery, British Columbia

Copy for Mr. Shears


December 20th, 1944.

Reg. No. 09567,
Rosebery, B. C.

Dear Madam:-

We have received your letter of December 1st written by your daughter and note the contents. In accordance with the policy of orderly liquidation laid down by Ottawa, the Custodian has been engaged in disposing of the effects and equipment of evacuees since September 1943. Our intention to do so was fully publicized in the New Canadian and by notices posted in the Interior Housing Settlements during the early summer of 1943.

You will recall that neither you nor your daughter were particularly helpful to this office or the evacuation authorities in November 1942 but we have since then done our best first to protect and subsequently to dispose of your property.

Your power sewing machines and equipment have now been sold either at auction or by calling for tenders and we shall shortly be advising you of the set proceeds credited to your account.

Yours truly,

H. F. Green
Protection Department