​Letter to the Office of the Custodian from Yojiro Takimoto

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Scanned black-and-white microfilm of a typewritten copy of a letter addressed to the government from Yojiro Takimoto, on Fernridge Lumber Company paper, regarding dispossession of their property. Includes a typed note, with a handwritten date that reads October 16, 1944.
Sender's Address
East Lillooet, British Columbia
Recipient Address
​​Office of the Custodian,
Vancouver, British Columbia

Received Evacuation Section
Oct. 26, 1944.


E. Lillooet, B.C.,
October 20th, 1944

(Your File No. 8714/1)

Office of the Custodian,
Vancouver, B. C.

Dear Sirs:-

Referring to your letter of Oct. 6th in respect to selling of my property:

Please be informed I am retaining the above mentioned so I strictly informed you not to sell it under any circumstances.

I wish to mention in 1942 prior to my evacuation I had a party willing to pay an exceptional price on it but solely to retain same I refused.

Yours truly,

"Yojiro Takimoto".
Reg. No. 10672.

Note - This letter refers to Lots 2, 3, Lot. 16 if Blk. 2, Sec.245, G. 1, Map 3785.