Hope, British Columbia
506 Royal Bank Building,
Hastings & Granville Streets,
Vancouver, British Columbia
July 18/47 [handwritten]
File #6660
P.O. [Post Office] Box 874,
Hope, B.C.
The Office of the Custodian,
506 Royal Bank Building,
Hastings & Granville Sts.,
Vancouver, B.C.
Dear Sir:
I received your letter dated 5th inst. containing a cheque of which I am sorry I have to return to you.
In this opportunity I wish to register my resentment regarding method of disposal of my property.
In your letter you mentioned that you have sent to me a statement up to May 30th, 1944, which did not reach to me.
Since I left the major portion of my household and farm chattels vested in the Custodian, I would like to know how they were disposed of.
Will you kindly send me a copy of the statement of my account up to May 30th, 1944.
In regard to my interest in the Maple Ridge Co-operative Produce Exchange, I am a shareholder but do not remember correctly re share and I would suggest you look into the share book of the Co-op. which is in your possession.
Yours truly,
"Y. Yamaga"
Y. Yamaga,
P.S. Also please send me a detailed statement of auction sale at Haney which netted $36.81 for my chattels.