​Letter to the Office of the Custodian from Kaizo Kamachi

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Scanned black-and-white microfilm of a typewritten copy of a letter addressed to the government from Kaizo Kamachi regarding dispossession of their property. Includes handwritten annotation at top of page.
Sender's Address
Slocan City, British Columbia
Recipient Address
​Office of the Custodian,
506 Royal Bank Building,
Vancouver, British Columbia

Copy for Mr. Shears.

March 22, 1945.

Office of the Custodian,
506 Royal Bank Building,
Vancouver, B. C.

Dear Sir:-

Re: File No. 1580.

I have learned from some source that my real property and chattels have been sold by you without my consent.

Although, if it is true, I would not recognise such an action but I would be interested to know detail statements of my account in your office. Therefore, it would be appreciated if you will kindly forward to me a statement concerning proceeds of funds from properties at your earliest convenience.

Yours truly,

"Kaizo Kamachi"
(Mr.) Kaizo Kamachi.
Reg. No. 09968.