Image Description
Scanned black-and-white microfilm of a typewritten copy of a letter addressed to the government from Asano Obayashi regarding dispossession of their property. Includes handwritten annotation.
Sender's Address
Box 24,
Chapleau, Ontario.
Chapleau, Ontario.
Recipient Address
Office of the Custodian,
506 Royal Bank Building,
Vancouver, British Columbia
506 Royal Bank Building,
Vancouver, British Columbia
Complaint [Handwritten]
Box 24,
Chapleau, Ontario.
February 21, 1947.
Mr. George Peters,
Office of the Custodian,
506 Royal Bank Building,
Vancouver, B.C.
Dear Sir:
Re: File No. 1091
I am herewith returning your cheque for the amount of $110.73, as the household effects I left in Steveston amounts to considerably more than that sum.
Enclosed is the list of articles I left with the approximate cost. The articles which are checked or corssed out, I received them while in Kaslo through your department.
Very truly yours,
Asano Obayashi
Registration No. 03696
per M.M.
Encl. [enclosed] - cheque $110.73.
list of chattels on file no. 1091