Greenwood, British Columbia
Office of the Custodian,
506 Royal Bank Building,
Hastings and Granville,
Vancouver, British Columbia
Re: File 6823
Box 382,
Greenwood, B.C.
March 3, 1947.
Department of the Secretary of State,
Office of the Custodian,
506 Royal Bank Bldg.,
Hastings and Granville,
Vancouver, B.C.
Dear Sirs:
I am in receipt of letter and cheque amounting to $48.54 for dishes and kitchenware at Tairiku Nippo Sha, which you say was sold at auction.
I had treasured these articles and had not wanted or asked them to be sold. That is the reason why I had asked Mr. Albert H. Young, the barrister, to see if he can do anything in the line of having my property sent to me. There were 6 boxes in which there were 25 sets of Japanese china value at $7.00 per set; articles which were new and not unpacked from its packing straws; and many others which you cannot buy again. Did you sell these individually or by the crated box. There is no price as $48.54 for them.
I am in need of the cash right now so I am taking it, but I am not satisfied with both the idea of having my property disposed without notifying me and the amount you have sent me for them, so am putting in a claim to the Co-operative Commission when they make representation to the Government.
Yours truly,
"Katsuyoshi Morita"
Katsuyoshi Morita.