Office of the Custodian,
506 Royal Bank Building,
Vancouver, British Columbia
June 14th, 1944
Kaslo, B. C.
Department of the Secretary of State,
Office of the Custodian,
506 Royal Bank Building,
Vancouver, B. C.
Dear Sirs:
I have received your letter dated May 30, 1944 regarding the sale of our property in the Municipality of Delta, Lot 5 of Lot 133, Group 2, Map 852, in the Dis. [District] of New Westminster, owned jointly by my brother and myself.
In this letter you state that you had previously advised me of the sale of our property but I have had no letter to this effect.
This seven acre Lot was assessed in 1941 by the Corporation of Delta Municipality at Two thousand eight hundred dollars and since in the fall of that year I have built a new house costing me well over two thousand dollars bringing the total value of above mentioned property approximately eight and a half times the value for which you have sold it ($632.83)?
I wish to protest to the sale of the above mentioned property as well as to the astoundingly low price for which you have sold it and if at all possible to cancel the sale until you thoroughly investigate and advise me as I have heard that the other properties in the same District have been sold at a much more higher price.
There must be some mistake somewhere so please check thoroughly.
Yours truly,
(Signed) "H. ONOTERA"
File No. 1654