Lumby, British Columbia
Office of the Custodian,
Vancouver, British Columbia
File 8272
c/o [care of] H. Sigalet & Co.
Lumby, B.C.
Copy for Mr. Shears' Complaint File
Dept. of the Secretary of State,
Office of the Custodian
Vancouver, B.C.
Dear Sirs:
Re: File number 8272, Jan. 6th, 1947 (Registered)
Regarding the above letter which contained cheque and statement, I cannot accept the above and am herewith returning the cheque. The reason why I cannot accept is as follows:
My property was handed over to the Custodian on the understanding that it would be taken care of and returned to me at the end of the hostilities. I laboured and cleared six acres in ten years to see the fruits of my work. The property was sold against my will and without it I see no security or future ahead. It was my only means of livelihood and I cannot bear to see it go at such rediculous amount.
Yours truly,
"C. Kobara"
Reg. No. 13605