Department of Secretary of State,
Vancouver, British Columbia
Copy for Mr. Shears
Brookmere, B.C.
June 21, 1947
The Custodian's Office,
Department of the Secretary of State,
Vancouver, B.C.
Dear Sirs:
I found a cheque from you in the mail today, but I cannot acknowledge receipt of this cheque and am returning this to you. And as for the account of Mr. Naruse's, I have it arranged to pay him myself.
For the amount of the cheque, I cannot replace what I had before. It is just enought to buy one bed or so and cannot even buy the chinaware, kitchenware, three beds, dressers and other furniture and chattels that I had. And also I have not given authority to seel my property.
Therefore, I am not acknowledging this cheque and am returning it to you.
Yours truly,
(signed) T. Ishikawa
Mr. Tomigoro ISHIKAWA,
Registration Number 02153,
File No. 4848