Greenwood, British Columbia
506 Royal Bank Building,
Vancouver, British Columbia
P. O. [post office]Box 388,
Greenwood, B.C.
March 3, 1947
The Custodian's Office,
506 Royal Bank Building,
Vancouver, B.C.
Dear Sir:
I am in receipt of your letter dated February 22nd, 1947.
Your letter stated that the entire balance was only $32.28 but I would like to know who gave you the permission to auction all my goods. There were some household goods, carpets and Japanese festival dolls totalling to more than what you gave me. We were all depending on you to keep the goods until I called for them but if you cannot forward more than the present cheque please return all my leavings and I will pay more than $32.28. Your cheque is still in my hands uncashed. It will appreciate if you will answer immediately.
My file number is 5235.
Yours truly,
(Signed) Tatsu HAMAGUCHI.