​Letter to The Custodian from Miyoshi Shikaze

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Scanned black-and-white microfilm of a typewritten copy of a letter addressed to the government from Miyoshi Shikaze regarding dispossession of their property.
Sender's Address
589 Jamison Avenue,
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Recipient Address
The Custodian,
Japanese Evacuation Section,
506 Royal Bank Building,
Vancouver, British Columbia​

589 Jamison Ave.,
Winnipeg, Man. [Manitoba]
May 20, 1944.

The Custodian,
Japanese Evacuation Section,
506 Royal Bank Building,
Vancouver, B. C.

Dear Sir:

I am many thank you to forward some money shares and interest from P.C.U. [Pacific Cooperative Union] I was reference about rent year of 1943. I cannot understand exactly what you mean. You said sale of my property at January 1/43 but you never sent statement about it if you are not sale until this day same one should have correct rent year of 1943. I hear from P.C.U. and from John Toisy Custodian's corrected rent of year of 1943. I don't want sale property if it is not very fair price but I don't say you can't sale if that is the law. Even you sale my property there is another six of acres my leases land. Those land I cleared all six acres I spend lot of money for clearing I didn't makes anything from those land renter paying only seventy five ($75.00) Dollar yearly to Mrs. E M Buchan. You should correct from those six acres at least two or three hundred Dollar yearly anyway. That is all new land renter making lot of money from that land. If you cannot correct from him how we can make living only 45¢ an hours wages at 49 hours week. My wife is always ill need some of money from own farm. There is lot of reason I sold only Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollar crop of years 1942. That is why he must put in three acres new crop and keep good condition if not this reason I could sale Fifteen Hundred ($1500.00) Dollars. Because you must correct money for me from that land. You should know about it because I told and you copy all that. I want hear from you particularly.

Your truly,

File No. 2312.