Toronto, Ontario
Vancouver, British Columbia
File No. 3963
80 Caroline Ave.
Toronto, Ont.
Received May 15, 1944.
Custodian of Japanese Properties,
Vancouver, B. C.
Dear Sir:
Re: Farm - Nitta #12821.
I received a statement from you that you have sold my farm Lots 51 & 52, Municipality of Langley, for $1451.00. Was it valued at evacuation or recently? If recently I should be compensated for 2 years' depression. If valued at evacuation the price is far below value. If you look up your record on this farm you will find that in the first year of evacuation the net profit on this farm was around $2100.00 and your valuation is less than ¾ of 1 year's net profit.
Please give this your attention as I am considering leasing property outside Toronto I would like to have the balance of the money owing to me. Will you please send it to Mr. G E Trueman, 174 Spadina Ave.
Thanking you.
Yours truly,
"M. Nitta"