​Letter to the Custodian from Heisaku Mochida

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Scanned black-and-white microfilm of a typewritten copy of a letter addressed to the government from Heisaku Mochida regarding dispossession of their property.
Sender's Address
Minto Mine, British Columbia
Recipient Address
​The Custodian,
506 Royal Bank Building,
Vancouver, British Columbia

Copy for Mrs. Harrop.

Minto Mine, B. C.
April 26, 1945.

The Custodian,
506 Royal Bank Bldg.,
Vancouver, B. C.

Dear Sir:

Your File No. 1528.

You have informed me by your letter of February 7th and April 21st that property known as Lot 17, Block 32, Section 1, City of Prince Rupert, Map 923, situated at 714 Fraser Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C., has been sold. As you are aware, I have never consented to the sale nor ratified it, but have at all times and do now object to the sale of my said property. Because, however, I am self-supporting evacuee and I am now deprived of the income from said property which I formerly enjoyed, I have to request from you, the proceeds of the sale of the property together with the balance of funds kept by you in my credit in order to maintain myself and family but in doing so I wish it made clear that it is only being accepted under protest and without prejudice to any rights which I have or may have arising out of what I consider the wrongful sale and disposition of my property.

Yours truly,

"H. Mochida"
Heisaku MOCHIDA #10439.